showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Action 52 Active (Far Sight Technologies)1993One of only two games that Active Entertainment produced before it went belly-up, this is a collection of 52 mini-games for Sega Genesis.***Contains 52 mini-games. labelimagesubject
Golden Axe III  Sega (Team Shinobi)1993[media=youtube]Jf5S5K8wPdU[/media]***
[100]***Japanese version
[29]***The once-peaceful kingdom so familiar to fans of the original Golden Axe is under threat once again. The Prince of Darkness has stolen the invaluable Golden Axe, taken over the kingdom and rendered its warriors harmless with an evil curse. One warrior breaks free from the curse and must defeat the prince and regain the Golden Axe to save the kingdom. In this one- or two-player action game, play as a giant, a panther or a sword-wielding human and fight your way to victory once again.***Considered the ugly duckling of the Golden Axe series by many, this game really remains faithful to the saga.